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Little Girl, Big City
Hello there! Well I just came back to Africa after an amazing two weeks home with my family in Maine. My Port Elizabeth team (see pictures above) consists of a crazy mix of people. It’s great! You would probably never see all of us hanging out on a consistent basis before this trip, but I definitely think that we will mesh together quite well. There’s tons of talent on our team, and we are all pretty laid back so I am very excited to see what God will do in PE this semester! We found a house to rent so thank you all for your prayers. The house is one story and is set in a great little neighborhood. Every one of our neighbors seem pretty nice, so that’s a good start! Today we played a game called Bigger and Better. Our task was to split up into three teams and start with a paper clip and go to random neighbor’s houses and ask for them to trade you something bigger and better than the paper clip. My team only ended up going to two houses but we made great conversation and got to know them a bit so that was fun. We didnt get the first house to trade with us, but the second house traded a Purpose Driven Life book… haha! In the end my team didn’t win, because the other two teams came back with a skateboard, microwave, coffee maker, refrigerator (full size!), pillow covers, iron, and some framed jewlery. Haha oh well, it was fun! Oh by the way, our house isn’t furnished. We sleep in three story bunk beds (9 girls in one room with one bathroom!) and the three boys are in a room together. We have two extra beds (only one has a mattress) and we use those as couches in our living room. We have a fridge and and then all the stuff that the two teams traded with the neighbors today. My plane ride back here was alright….super long of course though :(. My leaders thought I came in a day later so when I got to the airport in PE I ended up waiting for two hours (7:40pm-9:40pm) until my mom got a hold of the AIM offices and informed them of my arrival. What a start to the five months, eh? We havent started our ministries yet, and wont be until next week I think… maybe the week after. We still have no clue what the ministries will be, besides helping out in a youth group at the Family Life Church (which is the church that we will be attending). Before I came home we helped out with a little “fair” that the church put on for children in the area. It was fun, I painted faces and got a nice little sunburn haha. Well that’s all for now, but thank you for your continued support and I hope that you all had a wonderful holiday season! Happy belated New Years!