
Explore My News,
Thoughts & Inspiration

That’s right, it’s time for a fast. Yesterday our leaders told us that from November 3 – November 8 we will all be fasting food and communication. We will be eating once every 25 hours throughout the week and then we will all break the fast with a huge breakfast (no pun intended! haha) at the end. For the communication portion, we are not allowed to use computers, phones, internet, or any other means of communication. That means you all will have to go one week without hearing from me! This will be the first fast that many of us have gone on, but I am super excited to see what God has in store for all of us. Instead of eating we will take those scheduled hours for prayer and alone time with God. It’s going to be great, and I know that our eyes will be opened to how much God can do when you simply let Him take over! Grumbling bellies will definitely make us irritable and will challenge us to stay focused on our relationships with God to overcome our headaches or complaints! So, please remain in prayer over my team and I as we challenge our minds, hearts, and hunger pains! Love you all!